Carina Khorkhordina (1991, Kaliningrad, Russia) is a trumpet player, photographer, videographer and an interdisciplinary artsit living in Berlin since 2014. Aside from developing her music on the trumpet and playing concerts she is working on a series of site-specific performances in the public space of Berlin and other places both solo and in collaboration with different musicians, presented as short films and bringing together her interest in urban space, sonic possibilities of the trumpet, field recordings and video documentation.
She has been performing in the context of improvised and experimental music since 2017. The active groups include the duos with Eric Bauer, Lorena Izquierdo, Eric Wong, Axel Dörner, the 11-piece ensemble Klub Demboh as well as a variety of ongoing collaborations. Recently she's been working, among others, with Stefan Schneider, Billy Roisz, Tintin Patrone, Katharina Grosse, Sven-Åke Johansson, Katinka Kleijn, Daniel Blumberg, Miki Yui, Nicolas Humbert.
Between 2016 and 2020 she was a student of various photography programs at FotoDepartament Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia.
CONTACT: khorkhordina at protonmail dot com